

Research on Creative Thinking of Contemporary Japanese Architecture from the Perspective of Nationality
单琳琳 刘松茯
Shan Linlin  Liu Songfu
摘 要 日本当代建筑在世界建筑领域已占有一席之地,并形成了鲜明的民族符号,这是日本几代建筑师不懈努力探索的结果,其形成过程受到日本传统的审美意识与民族精神的直接影响。这种影响包括:精致、轻盈、纯粹、朴素、单纯的民族趣味对建筑构成形式的影响;“自然”即“空间的、行为的”传统建筑空间理念对当代建筑行为的影响;有灵与枯寂的民族理想对都市建筑环境的影响。所有这些,都是当代日本建筑创作的深层文化内涵。
关键词 日本建筑 当代建筑 民族性
ABSTRACT Contemporary Japanese architecture has won its own position in world architecture, and is of distinctive national symbols. This is a result of hard work of Japanese architects for generations, and also directly influenced by Japanese aesthetic consciousness and national spirit. The cultural elements of fineness, lightness, pureness, and simplicity, have influenced the architectural form; the traditional concept, “nature exists in space and behavior”, has influenced the architectural behavior; and the philosophical cognition on Gods and dull monotony has influenced the building environment. All these are deep cultural connotations of contemporary Japanese architecture.
KEY WORDS Japanese architecture, contemporary architecture, nationality